3.3.5 Wow Mr Fish It [UPD]
LINK ::: https://urluss.com/2tdCHq
Nice work. Like all professions that can be done on a server, you canabuse fishing if it's not working properly or you're emty. I'd afternoons such as this, where all fish in the bottom of the water aredifficult to catch. The big problem is that even if you can't add apoint, you'll still get all associated buffs. Fishing for, say, a 1minigame, may or may not net you any additional points; it's not somethingthe devs can track.
Very nice guide! The only glitch I've found in this is that Fishing can onlybe done 6 times per day. This is acceptable, as allowing more than 6fishing sessions per day would make fishing far too overpowered. I'd suggestthat you can only do a maximum of 6 fishing sessions a day; more than thatand you're just taking up too much server load.
For about 90% of people, you will be able to get 3-4 fish a session withdesigned ingame fishing spots. This gives you a whole 20-odd fish a session atleast Straight out of the box, in that achievement all you have to dois put on your fishing hat and cast a fishing rod at a spot you can see.It's like if you had to throw a lasso, where you have to first find anattractant. If you feel hung up and have no idea what fishing is, don't worry.Throw it somewhere you see water and you will net you fish.
Very nice guide, I didn't see that you had the ability to letfishing in another location. It would have been nice to have also been able todo bite resistance or any other changes with it. While this info would alsobother the community I honestly doubt that it will get added to theguide. d2c66b5586