School Library) (Spanish Edition)
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With a large variety of titles available for ages preschool to 18, and an especially strong collection for ages three to 12, this digital library is an exciting resource that will help bridge the gaps in Spanish collections for youth.
Learn how you can help English language learners (ELLs) and their families feel welcome at the school library with these ideas! Visit our Books and Authors section for book recommendations, as well as our Multicultural Literature section for additional ideas.
To this end, it is vital to examine and bring better understanding of how school librarians make decisions when ordering library materials that may impact the delivery of library services to Spanish-speaking ELLs. This study considers how school library acquisition policy may possibly affect the delivery of library services to middle school Spanish-speaking English Language Learners.
Utilizing a qualitative design and relying heavily on interviews in multiple settings, the study shows how school librarians make sense of the school district acquisitions policy and how they justify their acquisitions decisions. Moreover, the study also presents the middle school ELLs' experience in their respective libraries, how they perceive the delivery of library services, and how they make meaning and sense of their respective library Spanish collections.
The study also revealed that the school librarians' interpretation of the policy does not allow for developing the Spanish collection because acting as "street-level bureaucrats" (Lipsky, 2010), they make broad discretionary decisions about acquiring library books to appease teacher requests at the expense of Spanish-speaking library patrons. Moreover, acting as "street-level bureaucrat," they want to serve individuals, but end up serving collectively due to teacher requests. Ostensibly, the manner in which the librarians interpret the district acquisitions policy has an impact on the delivery of service provided by the librarians. Providing fair and equitable library service would be an effective means to assure impartial availability of services and equitable access to library materials, particularly in campuses with significant ELL populations.
LearningExpress High School Library Edition (EBSCO) Provides a comprehensive selection of interactive educational resources covering college preparation, and high school level math, science, English, computer and social studies modules. The High School Library edition of LearningExpress also provides access to the Job & Career Acceletor module and includes additional materials to help students determine future careers. *First time users must create a profile in order to use this resource.
School Library Connection (Libraries Unlimited) Learning resource center for school library professionals. Includes self-paced professional learning and curriculum resources to support teaching and professional development. Funding provided by Arkansas Department of Education.
LearningExpress High School Library Edition (EBSCO) Provides a comprehensive selection of interactive educational resources covering college preparation, and high school level math, science, English, computer and social studies modules. The High School Library edition of LearningExpress also provides access to the Job & Career Acceletor module and includes additional materials to help students determine future careers.
The School Library Media Licensure non-degree program is intended for students who already hold a teaching license and are interested in working in school libraries. The curriculum comprises coursework in library science, educational technology, management, cataloging and literature. A required practicum provides students the opportunity to apply principles learned in graduate study to real-world experiences and to network with professionals in the field.
This program is one of the three pathways available at Kent State University for students who are interested in obtaining multi-age licensure in school library media through the Ohio Department of Education. The other two pathways are the M.L.I.S. degree in School Library Media K-12 and the dual M.L.I.S. degree with the M.Ed. degree in Educational Technology.
Access the expert tutors at for FREE with a library card or ONE Access account. Use the service from home, school or the Library, and get help in English and Spanish in math, science, English, social studies and more.
The Master of Library and Information Science degree is a program of basic professional education designed to prepare students for entry into positions in libraries and information centers in colleges, schools, communities, industries and businesses. The M.L.I.S. program provides students not only a strong core of general knowledge of the profession but also the opportunity to explore individual areas of interest related to career preparation. Instruction is available to students in all areas of South Carolina through an extensive program of distance education. Advances in educational technology made it possible for the University of South Carolina to work cooperatively with appropriate agencies in Georgia, West Virginia, Maine and Virginia to offer the complete M.L.I.S. program to students in those states who would not otherwise have access to an ALA-accredited program of library and information science. 2b1af7f3a8