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Us desi girls struggle with owning our dark underarms, what with people shaming us for them and all these underarm whitening products constantly thrown at us. Jennifer shut that down with a single photo, looking gorgeous, melanated armpits and all!
AM's impact on firearms involves two dimensions: new manufacturing methods for established companies, and new possibilities for the making of do-it-yourself firearms. In 2012, the US-based group Defense Distributed disclosed plans to design a working plastic 3D printed firearm "that could be downloaded and reproduced by anybody with a 3D printer."[133][134] After Defense Distributed released their plans, questions were raised regarding the effects that 3D printing and widespread consumer-level CNC machining[135][136] may have on gun control effectiveness.[137][138][139][140] Moreover, armour design strategies can be enhanced by taking inspiration from nature and prototyping those designs easily possible using additive manufacturing.[141] d2c66b5586