Attack On Titan 2 Gem Steel
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Titan taming is considered optimal, but not necessarily the easiest. This is because care must be taken when placing the cages so that they will be safe from the body of the titan (as well as any cages that it may break) and that they are not close to the titan or in the path of its attacks.
The titans have a pet value of 500, but if left alone they will not attack a city or player in order to amass their pets, and will ignore the city or player if a creature of equal or lower value is in the city or player's presence. Titans possess a pet capacity of 10.
When a titan drops, players are warned. If the titan drops in an area that is accessible to the player, the players are warned again (along with the approximate time it will respawn). If the titan drops in a location that is not accessible to the player, the players are not warned.
Titans usually fall from space (the giant's lair). However, the player may deliberately drop the titan from high above the ground, or the titan may fall through a mount of the player's choosing. The player may place the titan as a mount of the player's choosing. This may also be used to combat an inconveniently-placed mountain.
When a titan dies, it releases a hole to the titan's lair, causing a rain of meteors which deals a significant amount of damage and knockback to the player. If the player is below the titan's lair, the damage is only 1d6. If the player is at or above the lair, the damage is 3d6. If the player is below the lair and the meteors fall on the player's city, the damage is half the normal damage.
Titans have a pet capacity of 10, and never drop below one. They respawn at the start of the day. If a titan is killed in a cage trap, it will respawn in that cage trap with the same stats and pet capacity as it had when it was killed.
This category contains all the missions that are best suited to the community. They do not need to have scripted objectives or agents. These missions are created by the community and are not affiliated with the production, operations or live categories.
This category contains the missions that are best-suited to having scripted agents and scripted objectives. Examples of this include the Tier 1 and Tier 2 weapons and vehicle drops. The production missions do not need to have scripted objectives. All work can be done using a scripted or live agent. Missions with scripted objectives will be awarded in this category. The production missions are also the most likely to be awarded with cash prizes. 827ec27edc