Liao, H.; Wu, D.; Huang, Y.; Ren, P.; Xu, Z.; Verma, M. Green Logistic Provider Selection with a Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Thermodynamic Method Integrating Cumulative Prospect Theory and PROMETHEE. Sustainability 2018, 10, 1291.
Liao H, Wu D, Huang Y, Ren P, Xu Z, Verma M. Green Logistic Provider Selection with a Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Thermodynamic Method Integrating Cumulative Prospect Theory and PROMETHEE. Sustainability. 2018; 10(4):1291.
Liao, Huchang, Di Wu, Yulong Huang, Peijia Ren, Zeshui Xu, and Mohit Verma. 2018. "Green Logistic Provider Selection with a Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Thermodynamic Method Integrating Cumulative Prospect Theory and PROMETHEE" Sustainability 10, no. 4: 1291.
Green BU Road #2222 is an easy gravel road that is smooth and flat, however, some sections have washboards on them. The road runs through the Deschutes National Forest and is inside the East Fork Rock OHV trail system so it can get busy with activities. If you are looking for camp this road has a couple of small spots to pull off to the side, as well as the many roads around it that offer other camping opportunities.
Northwest TowerWashington University Medical Center4940 Parkview PlaceSt. Louis, MO 63110Cardiology Administration: 314-747-3035Cardiology Fellowship: 314-362-1297Outpatient Appointments: 314-362-1291
Washington University and Barnes Jewish Heart & Vascular CenterCenter for Advanced MedicineWashington University Medical Center4921 Parkview Place Suite 8ASt. Louis, MO 63110Phone: 314-362-1291
Cardiovascular DivisionJohn T. Milliken Department of Internal MedicineWashington University School of MedicineMailing Address: 660 S. Euclid Ave, MSC 8086-43-13 | St. Louis, MO 63110Office Location: 4940 Parkview Place | St. Louis, MO 63110Administration: 314-362-1291Cardiology Fellowship: 314-362-1297Outpatient Appointments: 314-362-1291Medical Record Requests: 314-273-0453Fax: 314-454-5550
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